ASLAA is committed to providing opportunities for local archivists, historians, librarians and students.
Membership benefits include:
Networking and social events with colleagues
Exclusive tours of other repositories
Special speakers at our biannual meetings
News, events, and job postings shared via the listserv
Educational and professional development workshops
Professional Development Financial Support Award
Join or Renew!
Dues are only $15 for 2 years.
Fill out the ASLAA Membership Form below to join or renew online, then pay your dues either online or by mail. You may also download and fill out a physical ASLAA Membership Form.
Send a check or money order for $15 made out to ASLAA to the Treasurer at:
Esther K. Gabriel
MSC 1061-141-B, 1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130